my san miniato experience

I dived into the atmosphere of the San Miniato laboratory in the second half of the period but, due to the preparation and mutual thinking with the Erasmus + research team beforehands, I felt like I am welcomed home by all the warm hearted people that this bizlikesounding [businesslike-sounding] topic brought together. This group is most obviously interested in creating soil for ideas to grow in the heads and hearts of their students, their colleagues, themselves or shortly said: in all of us as professionals, students, reseachers in our fields. 

On my first day I joined a workshop that was encouraging playfulness, as well as cocreating, to the point of being able to leave your own creation to the further development of others, curated by Charlotte Østergaard. 

This playfulness could be felt all over this special place and in this group of interesting people with strong artistic qualities from all over Europe. An atmosphere like this is quite unique and not necessarily likely among artists, being they strong characters and searching their own ways in their studies. 

The mutual exchange was immense as well as the joy to figure out the ways in which people from other countries, backgrounds, traditions would work like. 

As well as the other researchers I prepared a few workshop offers and when it came to the daily meeting to create the timetable we decided to create together everyday with everyone participating in the laboratory, I had to pitch my offer and I felt excited- Would people think would it be worth spending their time? I was lucky. A big bunch of people from all over Europe came and joined me. 

We would encourage each other in a little ritual in the beginning of the sessions and then reflect on our artistic statements, together draw a huge grand masterplan of life, as well as putting down in our secret books the three things that hold us back most. 
In a big show off of each one the qualities of what everyone LOVES most and is therefore good to develop further could be seen in the arena of our work place, as a result little teams developed nonsense or not nonsense projects. 

We exercised our ability to speak up for a recent topic and see it from different angles as well as shouting out an opinion and seeing how people from other contexts physically react on these opinions. 

The different angles that opened to me, the love with which people supported the offer I made and took part in it and the good they could get out of this, as well as the fun and strength that arises from truly creating together was a unique moment for learning and offering, researching and playing together, theatrically and also playing with possibilities and daring to be very playful and loving with the topic of how to deal with your career, your life, your future. 

We were making future plans for cocreating transdisiplinary and internationally as well as making experiences for a lifetime and delving into the beauty of Tuscany, spending time with a group of people from all over Europe practicing democracy in the timetable for tomorrow in times where this democracy seems at stake, questioning our beliefs and strengthening the beliefs in our artistic selves to act in this world and and exchange methods to make it a place we want to live in together. We found out about the truest and often lightest and therefore stunningly most efficient ways to develop our qualities. This was a wonderful course for an artistic career, developing perspectives and a critical mindset, feeling empowerment, making connetions and reflecting on the year that has gone and the future to come and therefore a place I would recommend for every coming or practicing artist in the theatre to come home to for a summer. 
1 Javier Atance Ibar Delimitación del término emprendimiento y su evolución histórica en las leyes educativas españolas
2 En él se define como “un fenómeno pluridimensional y aunque pueda estar presente en diferentes contextos económicos u otros, y en cualquier tipo de organización el documento se centra en el espíritu emprendedor en el ámbito empresarial”.
3 LOMCE: Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa. Publicado en B.O.E. nº 295 de 10 de diciembre.